Oh my, have you ever struck the most amazing high quality vintage clip art blog and you’re a little bit hesitant to share? Sheepish grin. Well, I’m sharing. I’ve shared a link in a past freebies roundup post, but Julie has so many new goodies – also items I’ve previously overlooked. She deserves a post all her own. This treasure trove of freebie vintage graphics goodness is at The Old Design Shop. Her blog and shop are a must see!!
You can follow her on Facebook and Pinterest as well! Read on to learn more about Julie and why she decided to share her lovely resources on the web.
My name is Julie. In a nutshell: I am a vintage enthusiast and a Photoshop addict who loves to take pictures, scrapbook and cook. I collect old books and new recipes.
A few months ago I came to the realization that I had more vintage material than I would be able to make good use of in one lifetime, so I’ve decided to share it with you through my blog.