Here’s a little freebie for you all. It’s a tiny kit containing 1 frame and 1 floral rose bouquet. You get brushes, vectors and transparent PNG format with this item. It may look familiar to some of you, as it’s from the Graphics Fairy! It’s from Antique Clip Art – Fabulous Pharmacy Labels. I have such a thing for FRAMES, so I made this into one. It would be pretty sweet used as a blog banner or on a physical product label.
I was doing an IM chat with my son and on the phone with my mom preparing for his plane flight to Michigan from California. Most people doodle on paper, but I am typically in front of my computer with photoshop open.
So my little dude is 14 now and going to be in the 9th grade!! He has worked SO hard to maintain good grades, and has recently been accepted into Ghidotti Early College High School.
I can be shy when discussing the “summer and Christmas vacation” time in regards to my son, because his dad keeps him during the school year and lives in Northern California. Quite a few years ago his dad asked if he could take Jasper with him if he sold his house in Montague Michigan. I said SURE, not thinking that his house would ever ever sell. To make a long story short, despite me not seeing Jasper as much as I would like, I have so much gratitude for the wonderful education that he has received during the time he’s spent with his dad.
YAY Jasper!!
I typically don’t talk about personal things very much here, but had to share the great news. Now here’s your freebie, lol! The download link below this JPG image contains brushes, vectors, PNG and a PDF.