I’ve been working on a few texture set and decided to release this one as a freebie. There’s a very tiny seam in the damask pattern which is hardly noticeable. I didn’t want to go through and redo the pattern and everything, so you all get it for $0!
Also someone redeemed punchtab rewards and the only contact is through facebook mail, but it’s encrypted? If you are the punchtab redeemer, please send me an email at su[at]starsunflowerstudio.com. I’m not sure if I can send a gift voucher through an encrypted FB email addy.
In my last post I mentioned my son Jasper. He’s here for the summer, yay! Yesterday he he expressed an interest in learning graphic design. I set him up with one of my computers and we’ve been working on some textures together. He’s looking for ways to make a little bit of extra money this summer to save up for a desktop computer. So with mom’s help, he made his first texture set last night.
Another texture pack available for purchase:
Here’s today’s freebie: