Keywords Help Search Engines Find You
Use keyword rich text content in your blog posts. The Google Keyword Tool is your friend. Use this tool to get ideas for keywords related to your products and also review their competition and search volume.
The recent information that I’ve gathered from the SEO books and articles says that text content within your post is much more important than adding a ton of keywords in your meta tags. So try to incorporate a few keywords within your blog post paragraph content to ensure that you’ll get your posts indexed in search engines.
Use keywords in your post title. From what I understand, this is the first thing that search engines look at when crawling your blog or website. In addition to creating a nice sounding title for your posts, think about how search engines will view the post as well.
I want a title that is attractive to human visitors, drives reasonable search engine traffic, yields relevant contextual ads, fits the theme of the site, and encourages linking and social bookmarking. And most importantly I want each article to provide genuine value to my visitors. I do my best to create titles for my articles that balance these various needs. Often that means abandoning cutesy or clever titles in favor of direct and comprehensible ones. Source: How to Make Money From Your Blog
WordPress SEO Title Description & Keywords
If you’re using wordpress for your blog, you can install SEO plugins such as All in One Seo Pack or Yoast for creating special summaries that show up in the description area of a search or on facebook.
Title – Description & Keywords Meta – WordPress
How SEO Description Tag Displays Your Summaries in Searches
How SEO Description Tag Displays Your Summaries on Facebook
Blogger SEO Title Description & Keywords
If you’re using blogger you can set descriptions for your posts as well. I actually have not done this for my blog yet as I’m holding on to the classic blogger admin interface as long as I can, lol! You can check out this post at Spice Up Your Blog on the New SEO Options for Blogger. Blogger does not yet have a keywords area from what I know of, so you’ll have to focus on creating keyword rich content which is really what’s most important these days.
Making Images SEO Friendly
Using descriptive words when naming your images helps search engines find them and associate them with the keyword terms you specify. So instead of giving your images a basic name, use keyword(s) that will help you get listed in image searches.
Using title text and alt text is very helpful in this way. Forgot to name your image? Use these fields to enter the title of the image, which will be shown when a user hovers their mouse over it, and also add a few keywords to the alt text so search engines can index you for these terms.
Title & Alt Text Blogger
Image Title & Alt Text WordPressFurther Reading:Blog Godown – 3 Unconventional and Often Overlooked Traffic Sources
Blog Godown – Traffic Generation Strategies
SEO Book – The Blogger’s Guide to SEO